Amiga Plus 1995 #5 & #6
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2.1, patchlevel 11 -- Sat Jun 5 00:01:01 PDT 1993 -- mann@src.dec.com
* Added code to deal with "wild" games on ICS. This includes allowing
castling with the king on d1 or d8, which is allowed in wild(1) games
if the king started there. Notation is o-o to castle "short"---to
whichever side the king is closer to---and o-o-o to castle "long."
Right now wild castling is always allowed by xboard; we rely on ICS or
gnuchess to reject it when we aren't really in wild mode.
* memcpy call had arguments in wrong order.
* Removed April Fool code
2.1, patchlevel 10 -- Mon Feb 15 10:19:31 PST 1993 -- mann@src.dec.com
* Avoid trying to select on a pipe when using System V. Needed to
copy some code from InitChessProgram() up into establish().
* Bug fix in disambiguating pawn moves like "ed".
* Fix to error handling in ReceiveFromProgram.
* Bug fix: entering EditPosition mode with black to play highlighted
White's clock instead of Black's.
* Added telnetProgram resource in case "telnet" is not the name of the
telnet program.
2.1, patchlevel 9 -- Fri Jan 22 19:08:27 PST 1993 -- mann@src.dec.com
* Entering Force Moves mode clears "flag has fallen" messages from display.
* ICS host name can now be in numeric format; for example
* Bug fix: LegalityTest was failing to test whether a pawn move was
illegal because the move would discover a check.
* Handle ICS message "mann asserts a win over manntest, who disconnected."
* Bug fix: A recent change to PromotionCallBack had broken
underpromotion to a knight.
* Bug fix: In EditPosition mode, dragging a piece onto a square border
would make it vanish. xboard wasn't distinguishing this case from
dragging the piece off the board. Thanks to Matthew Kidd.
* Removed "static" declaration from yywrap for compatibility with IRIX
version of lex. Thanks to stiller@blaze.cs.jhu.edu.
* Added substitutes for bzero, bcopy, and gethostname for Solaris
SVR4. Thanks to Michael Grant.
* Bug fixes to queen move disambiguation. Bugs showed up only when
promotion resulted in more than one queen on the board.
2.1, patchlevel 8 -- Fri Dec 11 17:54:18 PST 1992 -- mann@src.dec.com
* parser bug fix: It now really works to leave off the piece a pawn is
promoting to and let it default to queen.
* When starting to observe or play an ICS game, don't draw board in
initial position and then immediately redraw it in the current
* Handle ICS messages when an "abuser" forfeits a game by
disconnecting and when a game is aborted ("removed") by an
* Bug fix: A user move when in LoadGame+Pause mode was resuming the
game load instead of putting us in force mode.
* It seems that crashes inside sscanf when xboard is compiled with gcc
(as on IBM PS/2 AIX, mentioned below, and also on VAX Ultrix 3.1) are
caused by an incompatibility between gcc and the sscanf implementation
on these platforms. A workaround is to specify -fwritable-strings to
gcc (see the gcc documentation). Added info on how to do this to the
Imakefile. Thanks to Tom McConnell for this information.
* Clocks are allowed to go negative. This is mostly for ICS
compatibility, but it affects gnuchess mode too. Also, we give the
time bonus when a player hits the time control boundary even if his
flag is already down. This choice is a bit debatable, but it makes
things look better when you are in TwoMachines mode and gnuchess's
time management screws up causing it to exceed its time limit.
* Implemented move legality checking code. Moves made with the mouse
or parsed from a file are checked for legality before being made.
This is mostly in preparation for future extensions, such as
human-human play. For now it makes -noChessProgram mode more useful.
* If the user takes back moves, we restore the clocks to the earlier
* We now handle the output of the ICS oldmoves command, including
parsing the game end condition.
* Added autoCallFlag mode.
* Fixed glitches in the medium size outline king and rook bitmaps, and
touched up the medium size solid king and outline queen.
* bug fix: DisplayMove would not display backwardMostMove - 1.
* Added CallFlag button and removed AcceptMatch. CallFlag is more
important with new ICS, and accepting the current match offer is easy
with the new ICS command "accept" (can be abbreviated "ac").
* LoadGame and LoadPosition display tail of file name (plus index
number, if any) as title.
* MachineWhite, MachineBlack, and TwoMachines now work properly from
LoadGame and LoadGame+Pause mode.
* Use o-o and o-o-o to castle on ICS, not 00 and 000.
* Stripped out code for old ICS messages; new ICS is now installed.
* Bug fix: don't offer autosave when paused during LoadGame.
2.1, patchlevel 7 - Fri Dec 11 17:40:56 PST 1992 - mann@src.dec.com
* Track change to "Illegal move" message in new ICS.
2.1, patchlevel 6 -- Tue Dec 8 10:48:44 PST 1992 -- mann@src.dec.com
* Kludged around bug in keeping comment popup where you put it by
adding borderXoffset and borderYoffset resources that give the width
of the borders added by the window manager. Yucch.
* Changed searchDepth kludge back to using "help" instead of "bd"; the
latter didn't work because the output contains a line starting with
"White", so we think gnuchess is telling us that White won. Oops.
* Removed some code that uses an X11R5 feature, XrmGetDatabase.
Without this, the auto font sizing code is harder to make work, so to
keep my sanity I had to change it to affect only the fonts that appear
in the main window and the comment popup, not the other popups. Maybe
this is better anyway.
* AcceptMatch button now works after a counterchallenge, too.
* Added code for more variants of messages about games being adjourned
or aborted. These messages need to be unified in new version of ICS.
* Added workaround for minor bug in ICS; game number on first board
can be wrong.
* Removed code to say "refresh n" instead of "refresh"; was broken and
wasn't needed anyway.
* Added missing casts for compilers that distinguish enums from ints
and missing cast in connect call.
* Added code to recognize "both sides are out of time" draw message
proposed for next version of ICS.
* Thanks to Danny Sleator and Joe Peterson for bug reports.
2.1, patchlevel 5 -- Sun Dec 6 19:52:40 PST 1992 -- mann@src.dec.com
* Removed gcc and CDEBUGFLAGS from Imakefile.
* Corrected setting of mode to ForceMoves when game file ends or
contains an AmbiguousMove or BadMove. Previous bug was harmless.
* Added AcceptMatch button and mention of 50-move rule for Draw button
to man page.
2.1, patchlevel 4 -- Sun Dec 6 02:55:42 PST 1992 -- mann@src.dec.com
* Now handles revised messages from new version of ICS. New ICS is
not released yet, so this code might change further. Next patchlevel
will remove support for old ICS; both are there now.
* Initial processing for a new game being watched or played now
happens when we see the first board image. Removes the need to parse
some messages and unifies some code.
2.1, patchlevel 3 -- Tue Dec 1 19:40:40 PST 1992 -- mann@src.dec.com
* Handles ICS messages "Draw : neither player has mating
material" and "Draw : White has no material, Black has no time."
* Added AcceptMatch button for ICS mode.
* Fixed bug in previous fix to yylexstr().
* Fixed bugs in code for loading old position files that don't start
with "#" and for handling case where user asked for nth position in
file but there aren't that many.
* Handles ICS message "* has restored your old game"
* ResetProc always clears title line now.
* Don't issue just "refresh" when watching a game; use game number.
Upcoming new version of ICS may need this.
* Added code to try to prevent user from watching and/or playing more
than one game at a time. There is a race condition inherent here; if
we get more than one board from the game before our command to stop
watching it takes effect, we'll think the user started it again. Not
clear how to fix this.
* Redid ParseBoard8 to use sscanf. Code is a good deal cleaner now.
Also, we now parse out the game number too, though we don't make much
use of it yet.
* (Tried to put in a feature that recognizes the current game in a
game file must have ended when we see the start of a new one, but had
to disable it because we have too many false hits with the current
parser, especially in gnuchess listing files.)
* Moves read from game files or received from ICS are now translated
into canonical algebraic form just like all other moves. Minor nit:
If you use Reset while playing or observing a game in ICS mode, the
game history (including the current board position) is lost, so the
next move of the current game can't be translated.
* Default fonts now vary with board size, and are chosen by pixel size
instead of point size (since piece bitmaps have a fixed pixel size).
* Bug fix: An extra Forward was required to skip over time indications
in game files.
2.1 patchlevel 2 -- Fri Nov 27 23:30:00 PST 1992 -- mann@src.dec.com
* If you move the comment popup, the next time it pops up it will come
back where you put it.
* Fixed yylexstr() so calls to it can be interspersed with calls to
* Fixed bugs in Forward/Backward while in LoadGame mode.
* Changed Save{Game,Position} functions to append instead of
overwriting if file exists. Changed Load{Game,Position} functions to
deal with multiple games/positions per file.
* Changed load{Game,Position}File resources to trigger automatic load
on program startup. Changed save{Game,Position}File resources to
trigger automatic save after every completed game and on program exit.
* Added autoSaveGames mode.
* Fixed bug with PromoPiece in call to MakeAlg from MakeMove.
* Many changes to get rid of picky compiler warnings and generally
clean up the code.
2.1 patchlevel 1 -- Fri Nov 27 02:45:00 PST 1992 -- mann@src.dec.com
* A last minute change before patchlevel 0 went out broke
ParseGameHistory(). Immediately fixed in patchlevel 1.
Version 2.1, patchlevel 0 -- Fri Nov 27 02:00:00 PST 1992 -- mann@src.dec.com
* Uses "time" command of gnuchess 4.0 and following to keep clocks in
sync. Still works with older versions without this command; we test
whether the command is present the first time each chess program is
* File name dialog pops up under the mouse cursor, so that it's got the
keyboard focus if the window manager is using pointer focus.
* Attempts to move the wrong color piece or an empty square are filtered
out in xboard instead of being passed on to GNU Chess or the ICS.
* The reason a game ended is now remembered even if you move backward
and forward after it ends. It is forgotten only if you make a move
(which is as it should be---this is now a different game, which hasn't
ended yet). The message saying why the game ended no longer wipes out
the last move.
* Pause, Backward, Forward, ForceMoves, and EditPosition now work from
TwoMachines mode.
* Forward and Backward now change only the board display unless you
are in ForceMoves mode. Pause mode keeps new moves that are received
from being displayed on your screen until you unpause (or use
* Added option to ring the bell after opponents' moves.
* Saved games that start from other than the standard initial position
now begin with a postion diagram as in saved position files. The
loader is modified to understand such save files.
* Improved error checking when trying to read from gnuchess.
* Parser understands things that look like time indications, e.g., (0:12),
instead of popping them up as comments.
* Send "quit" to gnuchess before trying to kill it. I needed this
locally because sending a SIGTERM to rsh was not killing the remote
program on some internal field test systems we have.
* Merged in code from John Chanak to make xboard a front end to the
Internet Chess Server, and added several improvements of my own.
(These include parsing end of game messages, loading the current state
and previous history of a game that's joined in progress via "watch"
or "load", automatic switch from board style 1 to 8 when needed,
removing irrelevant buttons and adding some new ones, adding the
useTelnet and gateway resources, and miscellaneous code cleanup, bug
fixes, and documentation.) Many thanks to John for writing and
contributing the initial version of this code.
Fri Oct 30 20:16:40 PST 1992 (patchlevel 25) mann@src.dec.com
* gnuchess now castles by sending us "o-o" or "o-o-o" (starting with a
preliminary version of 4.0.pl60 that I have). Added code to handle
this. The old format ("e1g1", etc.) still works too.
* Added code to format moves in normal abbreviated algebraic notation
(for example, e4, exd4, f8Q, Nf6, 0-0) instead of coordinate algebraic
(for example, e2e4, e3d4, f7f8q, g1f6, e1g1). Moves entered with the
mouse or received from gnuchess are translated into this canonical
format for display on the message line or in saved game files. Moves
read from game files are not translated, however; they are shown and
saved just as they appear in the file.
Mon Sep 14 13:19:01 PDT 1992 (patchlevel 24) mann@src.dec.com
* It's not really correct to write an ep capture of a pawn on e5 as
fxe5; this should be written as fxe6 because e6 is where the capturing
pawn ends up. Nevertheless, the parser now interprets fxe5 as the ep
capture f5xe6 unless there is a pawn on f4, in which case it
interprets fxe5 as f4xe5. By design, the parser does not flag fxe5 as
ambiguous if there are pawns on both f4 and f5; instead it prefers the
more legitimate f4xe5 interpretation.
* A move like fxe6 or fe6 is now interpreted as an e.p. capture of the
pawn on e5 if there is one there and e6 is empty.
* A move like fxe5 can no longer be interpreted as an e.p. capture if
there isn't a pawn on e5 to be captured. Previously this could happen
erroneously if there were pawns on both f4 and f5, and the f4 pawn was
capturing a piece on e5.
* The parser no longer munges the move it is parsing; in the past, for
instance, it would remove the "x" from a move like dxc5 before echoing
it to the screen.
* The parser now detects when a move is ambiguous and returns an
error, instead of arbitrarily choosing one possibility as it used to.
Mon Aug 10 18:40:47 PDT 1992 (patchlevel 23) mann@src.dec.com
* Added code so parser can handle fully qualified algebraic, e.g.,
Ng1-f3, N/g1-f3, Ng1f3, or even Pe2-e4. The "P" and "/" work only for
fully qualified moves, not generally.
* Fixed parser bugs in handling moves with rank or file disambiguator,
e.g. N1f3 or Ngf3.
Mon Jul 6 17:55:32 PDT 1992 (patchlevel 22) mann@src.dec.com
* AIXV3 patch from Tom McConnell; thanks!
* After hitting the Backward button we see the last move made instead of
the word "Pausing" displayed.
* Fixed a couple of problems compiling on IRIX; thanks to Michel Arsenault
and Alan Walsh for bug reports and help with fixes.
* Added optional display of algebraic notation coordinates along left and
bottom edges of board. This was inspired by some code from Jean-Christophe
Engel; thanks!
* Swapped EditPosition and Pause buttons to reduce danger of losing the
game in progress by hitting EditPosition when you wanted Backward. Thanks
to Ove Lundberg for complaining (though it bugged me too).
* Despite one complaint, I kept the feature of changing both clocks when black
makes time control, rather than changing each individually when the player
involved makes it. This is to avoid having it look like White is way ahead on
time while Black is thinking about the last move of the time control period
(i.e., when White has made time control but Black hasn't yet).
* Corrected clocks to work as in real tournaments. Time is *added* when you
reach time control; previously the clocks were simply set to the length of the
new time period. Also, when a player's flag falls, he still does not receive a
new time allotment at the next time control, but his opponent does still
receive more time if *his* flag has not fallen; previously, time controls were
ignored for both players if either flag fell. I forget who reported this bug.
* Added a small ESIX patch from Kayvan Sylvan.
Mon Jun 22 13:24:38 PDT 1992 (patchlevel 21)
* Added some SVR4 support code from Ronald Cole. It's Greek to me.
* Note: Stephen Meatheringham reports a bug causing xboard to crash with an
error from the X server when run on a Sun Sparcstation IPX with Solaris 1.0.1
and OpenWindows 3.0. This bug has not been tracked down yet.
* Fixed a problem with ATTENTION code. On some operating systems, you have to
be even more cautious about when you send a SIGINT to gnuchess, because the
signal handler gets deinstalled each time it is used, and gnuchess does not
reinstall it immediately. In particular, if you send a SIGINT and make an
illegal move or ask for a hint, gnuchess does not reinstall the handler until
*after* you make your next move, so you had better not send a SIGINT before
it. I put a workaround for this case into xboard; I hope there are no more.
* The ATTENTION code is needed when compiling for the ESIX operating system,
because ESIX has a bug in the FIONREAD ioctl, so the code in gnuchess that
lets you interrupt its thinking on your time just by typing in your move does
not work. Perhaps gnuchess will have a workaround for this eventually.
* Fixed yet another bug in using XtGetValues; code to inhibit shell resizing
was leaving a null pointer as the place to store the current sizes.
* Man page fixes: corrected -sl to -sd, updated LIMITATIONS.
* Added include of <sys/time.h> conditional on HAS_GETTIMEOFDAY. I hope this
works for all systems; on mine, <time.h> and <sys/time.h> are the same file,
but with an #ifndef that makes it harmless to include both.
* Thanks for reports from Mike Pearlman, Stephen Meatheringham, Kayvan Sylvan,
d87-mal@nada.kth.se, Urban Koistinen, and Ronald Cole.
Mon Jun 8 11:39:18 PDT 1992 (patchlevel 20)
* Documented default value of initString and explained what it means. This
paragraph also serves to inform the user that xboard by default will tell
gnuchess to think on his time, something one user apparently didn't understand.
* Redid -searchDepth (formerly -searchLevel) and -searchTime code. They both
work correctly with gnuchess 3.1 now. The -searchDepth option also works
correctly with gnuchess 4.0. The -searchTime option does not work with
gnuchess 4.0.pl50 or earlier because those gnuchess versions do not have a
working searchTime feature. Instead of having xboard do a half-baked emulation
of this feature by using a 1-move time control, I will be submitting a patch to
the gnuchess folks to restore the feature as in 3.1.
* Improved clock code. It now keeps accurate track of fractional seconds of
clock running time, if your system has gettimeofday(); if not, it is generous
about them---if a clock has been going for n.m seconds when it is stopped, only
n seconds are charged. Previously, xboard would charge one second immediately
when a clock was started, so if n.m had elapsed when it was stopped, n+1 would
be charged. This should stop xboard from thinking gnuchess has let its flag
fall on the last move of a time control, as it often did before. I also
improved the comments and condensed the code a little. I hope there are no
systems that have X11 and don't have gettimeofday(), but if there are, I'd like
to know what to replace it with.
* "Flag dropped" messages now show up on the top line, beside the clocks, so
that they don't obscure more interesting messages on the second line.
* Fixed confusion of NULL and '\000'.
* Include time.h to get ctime() declaration.
* Fix to "parser bug" messages in parser.l.
* Changed code to work with old-fashioned tolower() macro that requires its
argument to be an uppercase letter.
* Minor fix to some usage error messages; was reversing program name and
erroneous argument value.
* Thanks to Mitch Wright, Ranier Orth, and Henrik Schmiediche for bug reports.
Fri Jun 5 13:06:08 PDT 1992 (patchlevel 19)
* Note: xboard does not seem to work when compiled with gcc 1.40 on a
PS/2 running AIX. It crashes at the sscanf in line 768 of xboard.c.
You can work around the problem by specifying the -timeControl option
on the command line instead of defaulting it. This does not seem to
be a bug in xboard itself; it runs okay on PS/2 AIX when compiled with
MetaWare High C. [But see 2.1.pl8 above.]
* Removed bogus files from distribution.
* Changed variable name that conflicted with SVR4 ttyname function.
* Thanks to Christoph Strozyk for another bug report, and to several
of the folks mentioned under patchlevel 18 for testing it.
Wed Jun 3 17:50:37 PDT 1992 (patchlevel 18) mann@src.dec.com
* Added an include of sys/fcntl.h to pick up the definition of O_RDWR for
System V users.
* Fixed a bug in CatchPipeSignal; was testing the wrong variable to determine
which chess program got the signal.
* Removed the declaration of strrchr, which was causing problems for some
people, and added an include of <string.h> or <strings.h> instead.
* Fixed a bunch of type errors uncovered by compilers that check more carefully
than the one I was using. I just patched many of them with casts---typically
cases where a function didn't take the same number and type of arguments as the
X header file prototype said it should---because I didn't see any other way to
fix them. The versions of the X header files that I have don't actually have
full prototypes for these function types; they declare only the return type and
just give the argument types as comments.
* InitChessProgram returns immediately if chess program died while we were
waiting for it to say "Chess". I think this fixes a bug that could make xboard
crash or go into an infinite loop printing "Warning: Select failed; error code
9" if gnuchess crashed there.
* Removed code that tries to put the file descriptor used to read messages from
gnuchess into nonblocking mode. I don't see how this kludge could ever have
fixed the problem it was intended to (see below), and it seemed to be causing
a race condition when we were waiting for the initial message from gnuchess
after it started up.
* Thanks to Richard K. Lloyd, Konstantinos Konstantinides, Mark
Seiden, Erik Schoenfelder, Andreas Stolcke, Rainer Orth, Henry Thomas,
and Kris Van Hees for bug reports and help with fixes.
Sun May 31 08:00:00 PDT 1992 (patchlevel 17) Bart Massey bart@cs.uoregon.edu
* 'xboard' suffered from a couple of serious bugs. An initial
size needed to be given to the message label to avoid a race
condition (!) so I gave it some text (otherwise occasionally
xboard would fail because the message widget was 0 width under
MIT X11R4). The sizes needed to be Dimension, not int, because
they were written in by Xt -- on my big-endian box Dimension
is short, causing chaos. Also, I hacked a declaration in for
strrchr() to shut the compiler up -- this is arguably a kludge,
but I couldn't think of anything better; maybe you can.
Fri May 22 13:40:50 PDT 1992 (patchlevel 16)
* First real (non-beta) release of version 2.0.
* Added GNU copyleft notices covering version 2.0 enhancements.
Thu May 21 12:30:09 PDT 1992 (patchlevel 15)
* Removed -g from Imakefile.
* Added casts in parser.l to prevent warning messages from some C compilers.
* Bugfix: code to exit if chess program couldn't be started had bug in error
message printing.
Tue May 19 11:58:06 PDT 1992 (patchlevel 14)
* Fixes one small bug: If LoadGame does not find a game in the file, it resets
xboard to BeginningOfGame mode (as if the Reset button was pressed), instead of
leaving it in LoadGame mode.
Mon Apr 13 18:32:27 PDT 1992 (patchlevel 13)
* Improved error handling when gnuchessx crashes. Now displays a message and
enters EndOfGame state without exiting. This should help with diagnosing
gnuchessx problems, since the position and move history are not lost.
* Debugged man page.
Version 2.0 -- Thu Apr 2 16:04:54 PST 1992 (patchlevel 12)
* Added small 40x40 pixel pieces; board size now specified as small, medium, or
* Improved man page.
* Saved position files now say "white to play" if it's white's move.
* SavePosition while in EditPosition mode now gets side to play right.
* Made "Pawn" the default on edit position menus.
* Removed "To play" from edit position menus, since it's redundant. Left
support code in so it can be restored if someone wants it.
* Tightened parser's definition of a move number to help further with skipping
over stuff before the first move.
* Put back feature of skipping over stuff in game files before a start of game
marker. This helps when loading electronic mail messages that have things
like "00" in the header (looks like castling), or that talk about moves in
running text before the actual game score. Tradeoff is that we can't load
games that don't either have move numbers or say "gnuchess game" just before
the moves.
* Changed version number to 2.0 because others have used "1.3" for patched
versions of 1.2. Display version number and patchlevel at startup.
Thu Apr 2 15:30:22 PST 1992 (patchlevel 11)
* Bugfix: Match started with TwoMachines button now handles the case where
user loaded/edited a position *and* forced some moves.
* added error message feedback to many cases where the user's button press is
rejected because it isn't allowed in the current mode.
* added -noChessProgram option to allow use as a passive chessboard without
gnuchess, replacing old buggy scheme that tried to do this automatically when
gnuchess was not found on the search path.
* parser accepts "=" in front of promotion piece
* parser accepts ":" notation for captures
* Removed SwitchSides button to make room for EditPosition. Left code in
place, ifdef'ed out.
* Added EditPosition mode.
* Reformatted xboard.c to eliminate long lines.
* Promotion popup now appears near rank to which pawn is moving.
* UI improvement: Button representing current program mode is kept highlighted.
* Bug fix: Hint button is now disabled when machine is on move.
Sat Mar 21 14:57:37 PST 1992 (patchlevel 10)
* TwoMachines now works from MachineWhite or MachineBlack mode.
* ForceMoves and Backward/Forward now work at the end of a game started by
the TwoMachines button.
* Sends o-o or o-o-o to gnuchess instead of O-O or O-O-O.
* Bug fix: SwitchSides button is now disabled when machine is on move.
* Added -searchLevel option and corrected handling of -searchTime to reflect
the way gnuchess really handles command line options instead of what the
documentation used to say. Allowed optional ":seconds" on times.
Tue Mar 17 21:00:35 PST 1992 (patchlevel 9)
* Removed non-working code that tried to recover when a remote chess program
could not be started; now exits with a message instead.
* Now waits for chess program to print its first message (normally "Chess")
before sending it any commands.
* Matches between two machines can now start from a black-to-play position or
black-to-play opening.
* Bug fix: The program would sometimes lose track of the board position after
the end of the game, drawing a board full of white pawns next time it got an X
redraw request. Now fixed.
* Cleaned up handling of illegal moves in game files. Now we just stop reading
and go into ForceMoves mode.
* Saved games against gnuchess indicate who won (restored and debugged 1.2
* Setting -searchTime turns off -clockMode.
* My trick for setting up a black-to-play position broke in the transition from
gnuchess 3.1+ to 4.0. Installed a different trick that works with both.
* Bug fix: Was clobbering memory by mallocing one byte too few for the file
name in SetupPositionFromFileProc. This usually resulted in a crash on the
second attempt to load a position from a file.
Mon Mar 16 16:49:00 PST 1992 (patchlevel 8)
* Game and position files are saved in CHESSDIR as well as loaded from there.
We actually chdir there, so gnuchess listing files also wind up there.
* Underpromotion moves from gnuchess really work now.
Sat Mar 14 14:55:24 PST 1992 (patchlevel 7)
* Cleaned up lots of bugs and kruft in parser.l. It's a wonder the old version
worked at all. Improved rejection of random text interspersed with the moves.
* Relabeled buttons to reduce confusion (Play From File --> Load Game;
Setup From File --> Load Position).
* Bug fix: Doesn't exit at the end of a game that was started by pressing
the Two Machines button.
* Bug fix: Doesn't get confused if you hit Machine Black (White) while
the machine is already playing black (white) and is on move.
* Prints "White to play" or "Black to play" after loading a position file.
* Bug fix: No longer hangs if no start-of-game is found in a game file.
* More permissive about game file format. The first line is not assumed
to be a header comment unless it starts with "#". We don't insist on
seeing a "1." before the first move.
* Added pop-up dialog to allow underpromotion. Moving a pawn to the last rank
pops up a dialog to let you select what piece to promote to. Also added code
to handle underpromotion moves from gnuchess or from a game file correctly.
* Added code to send SIGINT to gnuchess before trying to move, if gnuchess
might be busy thinking on our time. The code is ifdef'ed out because it's
not necessary; only beta-test versions of gnuchess 4.0 at patchlevel 19 or
below require it.
Mon Feb 24 20:10:22 PST 1992
* Merged fixes received from Stuart Cracraft and Mike McGann, to iconic mode
and to ShutdownChessPrograms. (They both sent the same fixes.) I did not
install the change that removed "easy" from the initialization string, so
xboard will still try to run gnuchessx in "hard" mode (thinking on opponent's
time) by sending this command.
Version 1.3 -- Thu Dec 19 18:19:00 PST 1991 mann@src.dec.com (Tim Mann)
* I've fixed a slew of bugs in this version of xboard:
* You can now back up from the end of a game, even if gnuchess was playing
against you. Since gnuchess exits upon mate or draw (when it's not in force
mode), this feature works by starting up a new copy of gnuchess and feeding it
the saved starting position and moves. Drawback: the new gnuchess starts with
clocks at the beginning of a fresh time control.
* Note: the "force" command to gnuchess is a toggle. I fixed a couple of
places in xboard where "force" was being issued when gnuchess was already in
force mode, which resulted in chaos. I don't know if they were in 1.2 or if I
added them myself in the course of putting in new features.
* ForceMoves button is now legal in PlayFromFile mode. It closes the game file
and lets you force moves (or go Backward) from whatever position you've
* The parser now recognizes "white resigns" and "black resigns" (in any
combination of upper and lower case, with or without the closing "s"). These
used to be misinterpreted as meaning "white wins" or "black wins" respectively!
Added "1 - 0" and "0 - 1" as equivalents for "1-0" and "0-1".
* I removed the parser feature of considering "!" as a comment delimiter.
"!" is so common as an annotation in game scores that this feature seems like a
very bad idea.
* Added a wait() after each successful call to kill() to avoid leaving zombie
processes around.
* Removed the feature of putting an indication of how the game ended into the
internal move list when playing from a file. The only benefit of this was that
it would get written back out if you saved the game at that point. This
feature doesn't seem too useful, since you are unlikely to save a game you've
read in without making any changes, and it caused a lot of problems in the code
and user interface. The end condition is still displayed as a message when
it's first read in from the file. End conditions when playing against gnuchess
are still saved, too.
* programName is now the last file name component of argv[0], not all of it.
* xboard.c got three compiler warnings due to arguments that didn't match the
prototypes on X toolkit functions. I got rid of them by adding some casts, and
adding extra unused arguments to the ReceiveFromProgram function.
* As I received it, the distribution had an extra period glued on the front
of every line that started with a period. This broke the manpage in an
obvious way. It also broke parser.l in a nonobvious way that stopped
PlayFromFile from working.
* Fixed one or two bugs where the clock was started when it shouldn't have
been. I think one example was if you tried an illegal move in ForceMoves mode.
* Now starts the machine's clock if you hit MachineWhite when white is on move
or MachineBlack when black is on move.
* Now updates the to-move indicator (highlight on clock display) when you use
Forward/Backward or ForceMoves.
* gnuchess 3.1+ has a bug that makes it try to think on its opponent's time
even when in force mode; this causes problems with xboard's SetupFromFile
command because gnuchess's saved hint move is garbage after the new position is
loaded, so gnuchess prints out an error message when it tries to think about
what it would do if the user made this move. Here is a patch for gnuchess
*** nondsp.c~ Mon Dec 2 12:37:18 1991
*-- nondsp.c Thu Dec 19 15:36:06 1991
*** 1223,1229 ****
ok = flag.quit = false;
player = opponent;
ft = 0;
! if (hint > 0 && !flag.easy && Book == NULL)
fflush (stdout);
time0 = time ((long *) 0);
*-- 1223,1229 ----
ok = flag.quit = false;
player = opponent;
ft = 0;
! if (hint > 0 && !flag.easy && Book == NULL && !flag.force)
fflush (stdout);
time0 = time ((long *) 0);
* SavePosition/SetupFromFile now handle black-to-play positions. If it's
black's move in a saved position, the line "black to play" is printed
immediately after the board display. Upon loading a position, xboard
looks for "black" at the beginning of this line to determine whether it's
black's move.
* SetupFromFile now leaves you (effectively) in ForceMoves mode. This
eliminates some cases where the program would get into an inconsistent state,
and hopefully is more intuitive for the user, too.
* PlayFromFile now leaves xboard in ForceMoves mode after playing through all
the moves in the file. You can use Backward/Forward, make moves, get gnuchess
to join the game with MachineWhite or MachineBlack, etc. The game file can end
with either white or black to play.
* Backward/Forward now seem to work in all cases. Previously using these
buttons during a game against the machine would get xboard out of sync with
gnuchess's idea of what was going on, resulting in chaos. Now using these
buttons puts xboard in ForceMoves mode; you can bring gnuchess back into the
game using the MachineWhite or MachineBlack buttons.
Thu Jun 27 15:06:25 PDT 1991
* Remove comment popups during a reset.
* Bug in my forward move fix. Didn't work for playgamefile mode.
Thu Jun 20 15:04:06 PDT 1991
* Can't do a backward move when it isn't your turn because gnuchess
gets confused. Similar bug for forward move. Do a bunch of moves,
back up move and go forward. These get filtered out now.
* Put easy back into the initString. This DISABLES easy mode which by
default is ON.
* New-line wasn't always being added to forward move strings sent to gnuchess.
* Parsed comments as [ ..............text follows ] into d7d5
* Long game file comments cause core dumps on HP systems.
* Multiple uses of the get positition file button got confused
on the second click.
Minor fixes to the 1.2 release
Version 1.2 -- Tue Jun 11 17:14:12 PDT 1991
* For version 1.2, Jeff Kenton, Richard LLoyd, David Jensen, Martin D.,
Bill Schmidt, Scott Hemphill, Paul Vaughan and Bill Shauck all found
a lot of bugs that we put into xboard just to see if they were paying
attention. They were.
* Changed the protocol that xboard uses to work with the new version of
* There was an off by one error with the clock resetting code. Also,
the clock display highliting was wrong. Thanks to Bill Shauck for
pointing these out.
* enumerations are not really integers on some C compilers. I added casting.
The new version of gnuchess expects the "go" command for two machine
and machine plays white cases. The whiteString resource is for
compatibility with previous gnuchess versions which get confused by go.
Thanks to Martin D. for catching these.
* Fixed a bug where the checkmate message wasn't being parsed and xboard
kept playing. Also, the message was added to game file if saved.
Thanks to Scott Hemhill for pointing this out.
* Fixed a bug where saving a long game, resetting and saving a short game
resulted in appending the end of the long game to the short one.
If a game is just being played out and there is no reason for gnuchessr
to be used, ignore pipe signals. This allows people to use xboard
as a chess board without need for gnuchess. Also, trivially bad moves
such as e2e2 are not passed on to gnuchessr but instead ignored out of
hand. This allows people using xboard as a chessboard with gnuchessr
to pick a piece up, think and put it back down without making a move.
Thanks to Jeff Kenton for pointing these out.
* Added the CHESSDIR environment variable. Game and position files are
found in this directory. If this variable is not declared, then the
current directory is used. File names starting with / are treated
* The bitmap file names were changed so that none exceeded 14 characters.
This is necessary for R5.
fcntl(from_prog[0], F_SETFL, O_NDELAY);
The xboard fix was to set non-blocking i/o on the read pipe for gnuchessr
printz ("Illegal move (no matching move generated)");
* fixed a problem with the new version of gnuchessr where xboard wasn't
getting gnuchessr error messages for illegal moves. The problem seems
to be fixed *without* any gnuchess changes but this is likely to be
highly system dependant. There should be a new line on line 246 of nondsp.c
* -iconic doesn't work at all now. The Iconify() does work. This was
a tradeoff and it is really an Xt bug.
* Fixed a compiler warning for gcc and an error for the IBM RT compilers.
This is the VOID_PROC macro in xboard.h. Thanks to David Jensen for this.
* If the DisplayWidth or DisplayHeight is less than 800, use small size mode.
Also the size of the name widget was reduced from 500 pixels to 400 pixels
because in small size mode there was a gap on the right.
Changed the default font from fixed to helvetica_oblique14 to:
helvetica_oblique14 is a font alias not on all R4 systems.
Curiously enough, the 17 point is not available on 75dpi systems
and the 18 point font is not available on 100dpi systems.
Thanks to Richard K. Lloyd for pointing these out.
* Minor hacks to work with R5 alpha. Had to add an event handler to the
boardWidget to get translations to work. This may go away with the real R5.
Added <Message>WM_PROTOCOLS: QuitProc() for R5 ICCCM compatibility.
* If the first character of the file is not `1' then the first line
of a game or position file is displayed as the name in a label widget.
* Added a PopUp dialog for getting file names.
* Modified the code to use the R4 routines rather than R3 compatibility.
* Changed the forwards/backwards/readgamefile code to allow a play to step
back and forth in a game. If he steps all the way to the beginning
he has to restart the game. If he gets into a mated position, same problem.
* Moved the man page from xboard.1 to xboard.man. This makes imake man page
installs work correctly. Thanks to Richard K. Lloyd for pointing this out.
* Corrected the queening code. XBoard was sending the wrong syntax.
It was sending for example h8(Q) when it should have been sending h8q.
Thanks to Paul Vaughan and Mike McGann for pointing this out.
* Added a lex parser for algebraic games. It should be easy to use the parser
for other interfaces such as the Microsoft Windows version.
It parses comments of the form [anything] and ! to the end of a line.
Version 1.1 -- Mon Jan 7 14:46:03 PST 1991
* Roger Dubar, Konstantinos Konstantinides, Wolfgang S. Rupprecht,
Paul Scowen, Mvh Smidt and Kayvan Sylvan all helped immensely during
* older non-ANSI versions of Sun compilers complain vociferously.
* the remoteShell resource was added for HP-UX systems
and other systems where the remoteShell isn't rsh.
* -iconic doesn't work properly. If XBoard is opened iconic then
iconifying it later with a keystroke doesn't work. I think
this is an Xt bug.
* For systems with smaller screens, XBoard can use smaller pieces,
and a smaller board. -bigSizeMode False uses a smaller set of pieces.
These are scaled versions of the large pieces. They look ok but could
be improved.
* getlogin() does not work in all cases.
It was replaced by getpwuid(getuid())->pw_name).
* Warning messages get displayed in the message box.
* Any button restarts a paused game.
* Kayvan Sylvan contributed a patch for ESIX.
It seems that select() on pipes is broken on his system. We declined
to incorporate his patch though, because it was a work-around for
something that was broken on one system, and selfishly, that system
was not my own. Nevertheless, it is likely that other System V users
on PC's may need to use this patch and it is is included as the file
ESIX.patch. To use it, type
patch xboard.c ESIX.patch
* Fixed a bug where hint didn't work. The local version of gnuchessr
had been hacked. The fix was to clone stderr and stdout for gnuchessr.
* Fixed a bug where a player could play after a game had been finished.
* The bitmaps have been pushed into the bitmaps directory.
* Substantially rewrote and simplified the Two Machine code.
* Added StrStr() because many systems don't have this ANSI function.
* Added keyboard equivalents. Added an iconify keystroke, C or c.
* Works with gcc now. gcc complained about casting float constants
as XtPointers.
* Detect if the visual doesn't support color. If so, run in monoMode.
An alternative would be to detect grayscale visual and use a collection
of gray user interface colors.
XBoard.clockMode: False
* For people who don't like or use chess clocks a clockMode switch
has been added. It is on by default. It can be turned off in the
.Xdefaults file with
* Added a declaration, xtVersion, which will quickly break on R3 Intrinsics.
* Hal Peterson contributed a new Imakefile.
* Rewrote DisplayClocks().
* Rewrote TwoMachinesPlay mode.
* Konstantinos Konstantinides added the -searchTime option.
* Substantially rewrote and simplified the clock code. If a game was paused
and then resumed, the clocks were out of sync.
* Fixed a bug in HandleUserMove() where the user could make a move while the
machine was thinking. The fix detects and ignores these moves. onMove
was not being used and was removed.